Does a business name really matter?
Establishing your business name is a big deal. Not only will it be the mark and identifier that you will promote for the rest of your business’ life, but it can also say a lot about who you are, what era you were established and how forward-thinking you are. Your business name says a lot […]
Work On Your Business, Not In Your Business
Work On Your Business, Not In Your Business. What does this mean anyway? Let me explain. Working in your business includes providing services, selling products, scheduling appointments, managing employees, general upkeep, and so on. It encompasses all the things that have to be done every day to keep your business running. Working on your business […]
Kenya turns to online tourism marketing
Kenya has approached top global experts in online tourism in a new move to help dispense negative sentiments about the tourism industry by building website traffic with positive information to grow bookings. The Kenya Tourist Board (KTB) has invited Trip Advisor, Expedia and Facebook officials for a two-day regional conference on e-tourism to guide local […]
Why successful people are rarely accessible
Chris Lema recently wrote a post about being less accessible in order to be more successful in your work. In a nutshell, he cited that successful people have boundaries: They don’t work for free. They don’t work for just anyone. They’re picky. They’re selective. They don’t let themselves be interrupted. They create barriers to entry. […]
Website analytics 101: Why you need website analytics reports
As a website owner, it is essential that you understand your website visitor’s behaviour. Several ways exist for doing this, such as using tools available on your domain’s control panel such as Awstats. But by far the most effective I have seen is Google Analytics. So let’s delve straight into website analytics 101 for website […]
5 simple ways to get the most out of your email newsletter
What is an email newsletter? A email newsletter is the cheapest form of marketing available to any business. It successfully targets customers who have interacted with your company while building a connection to future developments and products. However, there’s always more you do to gain from your newsletter. Here are five ways of capitalising on […]
Who provides content for a brand new website & what content should they provide?
Over the years, working with clients in the website design and development realm, I have come across these two questions plenty of times. It is surprising how many clients have no clue about what content is needed in a website – even tech firm clients, let alone the fact that they are the ones who […]
Why You Should Be Self-Employed
1. You’re the boss. You knew this one was coming, didn’t you? It’s the one we all dreamed about when we realized self-employment was a viable option: being our own boss. Escaping the rat race and living life as we pleased. Remember that? When you’re self-employed, you no longer have “higher powers” governing your every […]
BitTorent site, isoHunt to shut down on 23rd October
BitTorrent site, isoHunt is set to wind up this week after losing a 7-year court battle with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) that alleged that isoHunt had enabled copyright infringement. The court settlement requires isoHunt to pay $110 million and bars Gary Fung from “further profiting from the infringement of MPAA member studio content.” […], Really?
On 20th October 2013, Kenya celebrated Mashujaa Day (“Heroes Day”) and launched the Kenya at 50 website. As curiosity would have it, I immediately logged onto the website to have a look (“criticize”). Here’s what I found. 1) Essential Information Left Out: Sometimes it’s what bad design leaves out, not what it puts in, that […]
Simple steps to finding your business passion
A lot of people out there desire to own their own businesses. However, they feel challenged when it comes to deciding what business to pursue. They find that there are so many businesses that they can do but they have to pick one and few of them know which to pick. It takes time to […]
6 Reasons Smartphones Won’t Replace Our Brains
There’s not much need to memorize anything anymore. Ask a high-schooler today to rattle off our former presidents or the periodic table, and you’ll get a blank stare—or a “Sure, let me grab my phone.” Google is always available. And when’s the last time you had to memorize a phone number? But we’ll never consult […]