Kenya turns to online tourism marketing


Kenya has approached top global experts in online tourism in a new move to help dispense negative sentiments about the tourism industry by building website traffic with positive information to grow bookings.

The Kenya Tourist Board (KTB) has invited Trip Advisor, Expedia and Facebook officials for a two-day regional conference on e-tourism to guide local sector players on leveraging technology to boost online tourism sales.

This is expected to tone down increased reports on the country’s insecurity and lower the number of travel advisories issued by key traditional source markets. Constant terror attacks have seen local tourism revenues drop for the last three consecutive years, leaving the country KSh 6 billion short of its targeted Sh100 billion annual earnings.

The tourism ministry last month reported a 15.8 per cent drop in arrivals from 1.8 million in 2012 to 1.5 million between January to December last year, pushing down revenues by 2.31 per cent to Sh93.9 billion compared to Sh97.9 billion in 2011.

But a strong focus will now be pegged on benefits of using social networking sites, like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to turn around the figures by promoting Kenya as a luxury destination.

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Article by Conrad Onyango