Family Tech Rules: A Guide To Regulating The Kids

Family Tech Rules

Hello readers. Today we will be taking a look at the tech industry and its effect on your children. Specifically, creating the right family tech rules that foster growth, connection, and productivity.

Why Family Tech Rules?

Recently, technology has become a staple all over the world. According to Internet World Stats, more than half the world’s population has internet access (see a detailed breakdown of the stats at UK Web Host Review). For most young families these days, the children have specific devices bought for their own entertainment. As a parent, setting and following up on family tech rules can seem next to impossible. Every time you set a barrier, the younger generation find a way to overcome it.

Each rule down below is tailored for kids between the ages of 2 and 12. For the older ones, the rules have to be adjusted accordingly but here are some that can help you get started.

1. No Screens in the Bedrooms

Bedrooms are for sleeping, full stop. All the electronics should be avoided in that they mess up the sleeping patterns of the children.

2. Electronics (Mobiles & Computers) Must be Monitored

From Net Nanny to Norton Family, there are numerous parental control services that offer extensive monitoring and control of children’s online habits. After finding out what older kids are Googling, we quickly found the need for this service.

3. No Password Access

Whether it is for the computer or online accounts, don’t give your children administrative control. This also keeps them in check, needing your help whenever they want to buy something or install something.

4. No Social Media

Our kids range in ages 2-12. The twins have both asked for access to Facebook and Twitter, and while they have friends on both platforms – we told them we would reconsider when they were 13. We did set our daughter up with an Instagram account. We thought we would lock it down just for family. After finding her scrolling through the Trending photos (filled with all kinds of inappropriateness) – we decided that she wasn’t old enough for Instagram.

5. Avoid Violent Video Games or Apps (around the kids)

As boys, we tend to love our fair share of Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto. Always try and avoid playing such games when the children are around. Watching and even playing such titles can obscure a child’s mind. At least have a couple of family-friendly games like Little Big Planet and Lego titles.


In conclusion, as parents, we need to be very vigilant. Each one of us has an obligation to educate our children and with the spread of technology, build their character accordingly. Remember, kids, do as you do, not as you say. So, in order to make the above rules stick, you also have to observe them.

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Until next time, goodbye from the Mark & Ryse team.