Website Creation: Common Obstacles To Closing Clients

Website Creation

Website creation has its pitfalls, mainly rejection by the client. Perhaps it is your style of communication or it may be pricing that is too extravagant. Every time this happens, it is always advisable to analyze your proposal and decipher why you couldn’t close the deal.

Understanding Obstacles to Close a Website Creation Sale

Until you can get your WordPress business running seamlessly, you will need to find ways to market yourself. Just like any other business, reputation is key. The more known you are for quality jobs, the more trusted you will be, increasing your value. Then, the key is anticipation, being able to anticipate objectives and obstacles helps you prepare in advance.

The following are common issues facing developers:

1. Wrong Client

So many businesses and people out there require a website and opportunities are abundant. But that doesn’t mean that you jump at any opportunity that comes your way.

Finding a suitable job should be systematic, you should always find out what the client needs first of all. Second, you should analyze those requirements while matching them up to skills and experience. Then you can figure out whether you can accomplish the task or not. Taking the time to do this research can save you from taking up a job that you cannot accomplish. Or whether it is simple enough to complete before or by the deadline.

2. Unclear Proposal

Sometimes, mark my words, sometimes, speaking to prospects or clients can be a bit tedious. Generally, do not delve too deep into the technical explanations too much. This is because most of the clients are not so tech-savvy, so bombarding them in technical terms can be counter-productive.

It is a thin line separating a vague description with a technical one. So my advice is to draw up a draft of points and rehearse with someone who is not tech-savvy. From this, you will be able to gauge what o explain and what not to linger too long on.

Here are some key points to consider when pitching to a prospect:

  • Always research. It allows you to better prepare to answer questions.
  • Provide proof of your skills.
  • Make sure your pitch provides at least one business solution for the prospect.
  • Ask questions, nothing is worse than providing a solution to a non-existent issue.??
  • Always draft rough plans, covering costs, timeline, and tools.

3. Lack of Vision

At times, you may be fully ready to take on a job but the prospect is oblivious to their needs. A lack of vision on the prospect’s side may leave you flying blind. Such outcomes lead to never-ending projects and at times developers’ may find themselves opting out of the deal.

4. Cost and Expectation Disparity

Whenever you are developing a site for a prospect, always, clearly state the benefits of the site. Even though negotiations on price are a must-have, oftentimes, incomplete or incorrect explanations give prospects the wrong idea. The key is to find a middle ground so that each party is happy with the outcome.

5. Failing to Follow Through

Probably the most important part of website creation is delivering on promises. We live in a world where false promises (politicians?) are the norm, so finding developers who actually deliver on time is of value. Securing a deposit early shows interest by the prospect and should kick-start development. As the Inside Sales, infographic demonstrates, the more follow-ups you make, the greater the chances of converting a lead into a paying client.


In conclusion, website creation is not a walk in the park. Dealing with developers and prospects/clients can be equally challenging. And I hope this post has shed some light on the matter. It takes hard work to get the prospect interested but as long as you can back it up, you should be fine.


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Until next time, goodbye from the Mark & Ryse team.