Tips on Improving Your LinkedIn Engagement

LinkedIn Engagement

Hello readers, today, we shall look at ways to improve your LinkedIn engagement.

Why improve LinkedIn Engagement?

When it comes to LinkedIn, it isn’t easy to stay relevant. After all, it is a social networking service focused on professional networking. In order to increase your marketability, maintaining a healthy engagement can work wonders for you. Unlike social services offered by other companies, in LinkedIn, first impressions and momentum matters. It isn’t a place to post funny content and go viral, it a place of substance to increase chances of profitable connections. In this articles, we shall look at  tips that can help improve your prowess in the medium:

1. Ensure your account is public.

First of all, increasing outreach is always key. LinkedIn added the ability to control who can see your post in 2017. When posting, LinkedIn offers you the ability to choose those who are able to view your post.

After doing this, LinkedIn offers you the ability to share the post on other networks. In order to do this, just click on the trio of dots at the top right of your post, then copy and paste the link on the desired network. Doing this increases the traffic and outreach of the post, which benefits you professionally or your business.

2. Limit your posts to text.

Every other social service benefits from sharing images and videos, however, this is not the case for LinkedIn. People on LinkedIn prefer text, it is more formal, even from your own experience, which posts received more visibility? My guess is that it was the ones that were exclusively text.

The text limit for LinkedIn is about 1,300 letters, this allows you to add a bit of explanation, but not tell stories. It is advisable to remain short & concise, avoid inflammatory opinions and include links in the comments if absolutely necessary.

3. Engage in the comment section.

Whenever effort is applied in anything, appreciation is shown. Taking the time off your busy schedule to check your notifications can be beneficial. This allows you to check on your existing if any, comments and reply to them. Never ignore your commenters, as they can lead to greater opportunities in the future.

4. Create and share native videos.

In addition to text, videos can add an air of sophistication to your content. Though still a novelty, the LinkedIn native video offers users the ability to create content in an easy to digest manner. Whether it is a video recorded using the mobile application or a pre-made video, these videos are readily favored by LinkedIn since they do not direct you away from the service.

5. Don’t shy away from the ‘Like’ button.

Each and every one of us has that struggle, should I like my post or not? Will I seem desperate? The answer is, NO!!!!!! In fact, this actually improves the chances of your followers engaging with your post. No one likes to be the first to like a social post, but when they see that someone else is already engaged, they are more likely to contribute. Similar to liking your posts, comments can also benefit from this trick, allowing for even greater contribution from the commenters, since notifications are sent to them.

In conclusion, LinkedIn is one of the trickiest social services to utilize effectively. However, following the above 5 tips can help improve your game and remember, practice makes perfect. Improving your LinkedIn engagement never looked so simple. Remember to update your profile with your most relevant recent qualifications. Look at how different institutions such as University of Nairobi and see how they describe their courses to get the best description.

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Until next time, goodbye from the Mark & Ryse team.