Frequently asked questions

The section below provides quick answers to some frequently asked questions. If you do not find the question / answer you are looking for, feel free to submit a support ticket request here or call 0716522195/9.

Getting started

Before making payments, please ensure you know the total amount you need to pay. You can always tell how much you need to pay on your email invoice or on your invoice page in your client account. Feel free to request any clarification for any invoiced item. We are here for you!

MPESA to Safaricom Paybill number: 867532
Cheques or Cash Deposits: Account Name: MARK AND RYSE COMPANY LIMITED Bank: Kenya Commercial Bank

.com domains will propagate within 30 minutes while other domains will take 3 hrs up to a maximum of 24 hrs.

Open your browser and type in http://yourdomainname.extension/webmail. Once there, put in your full email address and password then click login. On the screen that appears you can choose to load your email using either Horde, Roundcube or SquirrelMail unless you have autoload enabled in which case it will automatically load Roundcube.

There is no short answer to this. The duration it takes depends on a number of things including; the number of pages the website will have, its features, availability of website content (i.e. videos, copy, graphics, photos, etc), interaction with third parties and more. However, all things equal, a simple 5 page website will be delivered to you within 5 working days.

A website allows you to have robust online visibility which will allow your organization to be noticed more easily online. This has the potential to open up new markets to you and enable you to trade and do business more seamlessly with the global market. You will also be providing your clients with an easy way to reach you no matter where they are. You can keep them updated with the latest from your business or organization and create long term value to them.

Our process

We discuss your needs with you. You choose a domain name suitable to your brand. We check if the name is available. We register the name; create somewhere to put your website (also known as hosting space); finally, we create emails for you and show you how to access them. You then send us your content (company profile, pictures and the text to go on the website) plus 3 sample websites you like. We build a design based on the samples you sent. You approve the design or request some changes. We make the ammendments and put your website live.
You need to have a company profile (or brief write-up about your business) containing your business name, business products / services with descriptions, business location (if available) and business contacts (phone and email). You also need a preferred name for your domain.
No worries, you can always let us know what more you’d like added to your website. If they are major, you always have the freedom to compensate us for the extra hours we’ll spend awake. As your business grows, you can also upgrade from your current package to another option in the future.

Most popular questions

Your invoice amount can only increase if:

  1. You have ordered more items
  2. You have been charged a 10% penalty because your invoice payment has not been cleared within 2 months.

After launch, website access is completely relinquished to the customer. You are free to do with it as you wish and perform any necessary changes. In case there are any future changes/ updates to be made to the website, we are willing to offer our assistance.

Content and keywords are the main driving forces here. Typically, it takes about 6 months for Google to rank a site highly, but this is all dependent on the quality of the content and keywords. Website visits and searches also assist in this regard.

The responsibility of performing backups on website rests on you as our client. We will provide you with the options of backing up the website upon your request to get you started. If you don’t have a backup of your website, we do a weekly backup of our websites that overwrite the previous backup.