Tips on managing multiple social media accounts

Tips on managing multiple social media accounts

Greetings readers. As the Mark and Ryse team, we hope that you have all been well. Today we will look at various tips that can help in managing multiple social media accounts, whether you are a small business or looking for individual solutions.

Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time and resources. Surround yourself with people who not just support you and stay with you, but inform your thinking about ways to WOW your online presence.” – Sean Gardener

First, of all, this is a post for those managing multiple social media accounts. Have you ever had those moments you have to switch between different platforms and tools? Ever had those moments where handling multiple accounts for different entities felt overwhelming? Didn’t you just wish that there was a way to consolidate the different accounts and media? The following tips answer all of the above questions and look to shorten the amount of time you spend managing your social profiles.

1. Document your social media strategy and generate an editorial calendar

Nothing can trump proper planning, especially when the plan is carefully devised. Plans are usually set up by multiple parties and are simple ways for everyone to remain on the same page. When developing a strategy for the accounts, it is easier to generalize it, seeing as it will be applicable to all the constituent accounts.

Also, the editorial calendar provides a platform for accountability, when certain jobs are scheduled for certain days and not published in time, the employer’s can use the plan to check up on the team or person.

2. Integrate a social media management software

Probably the main reason each one of you is reading this post?. With the advent of Hootsuite and SproutSocial, getting into the social media management gig has never looked this simple and lucrative. The above sites offer you a variety of functionalities that, from multiple social profiles, unlimited scheduling and even multiple users.

3. Monitor and Engage

Probably one of the most underrated steps in actually monitoring and engaging with the audience. In addition to planning ahead, you should always keep track of comments, messages and even mentions of your posts. Increasing the response time enhances your business reliability and attracts the audience, allowing for more sharing of the posts.

4. Analyze

With each and every account, you are trying to achieve specific goals. So in order to make sure that you are right on track, analyzing this data is vital. Across all the social profiles, applying analytics can help track the kind of progress and benefits each and every platform offers. Finally, combining the results will give you an overall outlook. Probably the best choice is Google Analytics. Because of their extensive code base, tracking traffic to each of the platforms accounts is very simple. For a more in-depth look into the engagement experienced by your posts, the social sites offer in-house analytics.


In conclusion, managing multiple social media accounts is not a simple task. Just like everything worthwhile in life, you have to invest your time and effort in order to reap the rewards. With those 4 tips, you should be up to the challenge, but this time, the amount of time spent handling the accounts should reduce.