Why you need a website in 2018

So… maybe you’re a small business owner, you’ve launched your startup company or you do freelance work, and you want to know how to make the best impact online. You have all your requisite social media profiles but I’m pretty sure it has crossed your mind a few times, “do I need a website?” In a word, yes. Here’s why.

#1 – An Online Portfolio Speak Volumes

Why spend cash printing brochures and flyers and then paying to distribute them to show off your products or services? You eliminate this by having a website and you also widen your potential reach. Potential customers can find out about you, your products and services, and contact you directly. It’s also an easy way to update your existing customers on what’s new. Having a website is a perfect home base for all your work, and it’s only a click away from your social media pages! Engage on social media, then when your followers need to know more, hook them with your well-developed site.

#2 – Websites Attract More Customers

Right now as I’m writing this there are over 3.5 billion users accessing the internet and it’s climbing by the millisecond. Chances are, most of your clients have internet access. So by not having a website, you automatically miss out a huge piece of the pie. It’s that simple.

#3 – Websites Build Business Value and Credibility

A friend of mine tried getting a grant recently, the grant officer asked to see their website, they had none. This may or may not have been a determining factor, but having a website, and good one, automatically increases your business value in everyone’s eyes, especially your customers. Nowadays, not having a website is worse than not having an office. Websites add legitimacy.

#4 – Websites Increase Your Influence

Having a website potentially means thousands of people will see it (remember that large number I quoted above?). This allows you to influence people’s decisions and educate them with your content. Consider adding a blog to your website, this will further establish you as an expert in your field.

#5 – Marketing

Thanks to the internet, global walls have been broken down, and a new world of marketing now exists. Having a website can attract new business by using different marketing techniques which are even more compelling when combined with the power of social media.

You need to have a website, and a killer one at that. It should be pretty clear why a website is relevant in 2018, and for years to come. Now the question you should be asking yourself at this point is: “where do I start?

Check out our article on How to choose the type of website your business needs. Then contact Mark & Ryse, we’ll not only build you a professional looking site, but we also have the know-how to help you achieve all the things on our list.

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